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A Multi-Disciplinary Approach in Your Classroom

“Research indicates that best practice in working with students with disability can include a multi-disciplinary team of family, school and health professionals.” 

Australian Government – Department of Education and Training

MyBurrow® is a perfect Multi-Disciplinary tool utilised by therapists, families and teachers to achieve better outcomes for children. 

Physiotherapists use MyBurrow® to develop movement skills and coordination of large body movements, strength, body awareness etc.

Occupational therapists use MyBurrow® develop body awareness, position and movement in space and modulation of sensory stimulation. 

Speech therapists use MyBurrow® to develop concepts, ideas and words to suit and expand play themes.

Teachers use MyBurrow® to integrate therapy, social and communication goals with the curriculum. What are these leading Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Behavioural specialists, Speech Therapists and Teachers saying about MyBurrow®?

“This Stretchy Safe Space is great for offering proprioception, resistance and compression during our sessions!” Rothwell Physiotherapy

“This fantastic piece of equipment is perfect when a child needs some sedentary time or a space to manage their emotional state it’s perfect for those children who prefer sensory tools.”  Kids Matters Occupational Therapy

“MyBurrow® is a great tool for educators to use in the classroom to include and assist all children.  You can use it as a sensory tool to assist children with self-regulation and sensory processing difficulty. MyBurrow® can be used for children to come together for creative play, set up indoor obstacle courses, development of gross motor skills, ad a safe place to rest and manage their emotional state.” Ahn Tu Occupational Therapist – Inclusion Works

“MyBurrow® has been a fantastic addition to the toolkit of resources that we help educators and families to access.We love it! Sandi Phoenix, Phoenix Support for Educators

Head on over to our MyBurrow YouTube Channel HERE for more videos of leading therapists explaining the various uses and benefits of MyBurrow®!


Dimitra Baveas

Dimitra Baveas - Creator or My Burrow; B.SpEd (Griffith University)

Dimitra Baveas was teaching in Queensland schools when her own daughter began to struggle in the classroom. Observing the immediate positive impact on her daughter’s focus and learning skills at the conclusion of each Occupational therapy session; she recognized the need to link the immediacy of these gains into the classroom learning process.

By including therapy into the learning processes, Dimi’s aim was to foster greater generalization of positive therapy outcomes and the subsequent improvement in academic, social and emotional development. Dimi’s recognition of the need to build a bridge between therapy outcomes and in-class learning processes provided the inspiration for the creation of not a “bridge” but a burrow, ‘MyBurrow®’.

Since the launch of MyBurrow® physiotherapists, occupational therapists, clinicians, teachers and parents in schools, clinics and hospitals around Australia have attested to the positive impact of MyBurrow®.  Teaming up with Helena Smith {retired G.O.D – Guidance Officer (Developmental)} MyBurrow® now produces lesson plans and other supplementary resources available upon signing up to our newsletter at

Helena Smith

Dip.T (Primary),{University of Qld}; B.Ed.St, (Remedial Education), {Uni of Qld}; B.A.(Psychology), {Deakin University}; Dip.Soc.Sci. (Psychology),{Uni of New England}; M.Ed.(Sp.Ed), {James Cook Uni of North Qld}; M.El.Ed.(Guidance & Counselling, Curriculum & Instruction), {Uni of Hawaii} and the winner of the Rotary Foundation Teachers of the Handicapped award for 1982.